The casino chips we know today were originally clay, but modern materials have made them more durable and reliable. They’re compression moulded to increase durability, and the exact manufacturing process isn’t public knowledge. Some manufacturers, such as Gaming Partners International, make their chips in-house to be used in licensed casinos worldwide. At a casino, a chip can weigh 10 grams or less, while poker chips that we use at home are probably plastic.
Since casino chips represent money, they’re safer to carry around. Many casinos will honor old chips until they’re replaced. Besides, the casinos also benefit when players leave with chips instead of cash. This means more money for them. And they’re more likely to honor your old chips during the grace period. But remember, casino chips aren’t just for gambling! These chips represent money. So don’t be discouraged if you can’t afford to leave with cash.
Casino chips have several security features. First, they’re highly unlikely to be duplicated. Generally, chips with higher denominations have features like holograms or color-shifting ink. Some chips even come with built-in radio frequency transmitters, known as RFID chips, for high-limit rooms. Despite the security measures, counterfeiters won’t be deterred. Second, casinos are required by law to track high-value chips to protect customers. To prevent fraudulent transactions, a floor supervisor will take a picture of the player when he or she comes in contact with a high-value chip.
In addition to security measures, casinos have also adopted new procedures for protecting their chips. Counterfeiting was a problem in the past. In some cases, counterfeiters were able to make a fake $100 chip. This was possible only because the counterfeiters had complete knowledge about the specific specifications for replicating casino chips. Nowadays, casinos are using microchips to prevent this problem. A player’s money is protected by a microchip, which is a far more secure option than cash.
Color is also important. Depending on the casino, different colored chips may indicate a table’s minimum bet. For instance, red chips signify a table where five-dollar bets are allowed. Green signs, on the other hand, denote twenty-five-dollar tables. Some casinos use colors other than these for certain games, like ten and fifteen-dollar tables. This helps keep surveillance workers and dealers from mixing up counterfeit chips with legitimate ones.
The design of casino chips continues to change. While the colors may be different, the basic shape and color remain the same. However, a large part of the differences between these chips is the branding. Colored chips are a sign of quality and reliability, while black chips represent low-quality materials. But what’s more important is the overall design of the chip. Besides color, a casino chip can also indicate a casino’s reputation.
Older casino chips are desirable. Those from the Bugsy Siegel era and the Muhammad Ali fight are both highly prized. In the past, a $5 Golden Goose casino chip was made, but in 2015, one of these chips sold for $75,000! However, newer and rarer versions of these casino chips are still worth looking for, if you’re serious about collecting them. If you’re interested in knowing more about how to value your casino chips, check out ChipGuide.